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normannomates 1:21 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
The man has been with the Club for decades

If you are seriously questioning his credentials.
Go ask Rio et Al whether he cut the mustard.

Premier league Club Academys are on a hiding to nothing these days..the youngens in the main have to pretty special to rise above the foreigners.

normannomates 1:22 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Mike 1.19

Vinny 1:28 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Carr was moved upstairs in ambassador role in 2014 and this was well publicised.


I'm not sure what this role actually entailed but seems odd that he would be made redundant from a role that isn't really a role.

West Ham from a PR point of view should be out ahead of news such as this and it is another failing of the club to look professional keeping with that tin pot cloud that continues to hang around West Ham.

Eerie Descent 1:28 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Norm, he has done good things for the club, no doubt about it. In exchange, I don't think he's shy of a few quid?

However, the fact remains, we have produced 2 players in the last 15 years who are good enough to regularly contribute to the first team, and we've just sold one of them as we look to the next level. Why do so many people have a problem with the truth?

I'm sure he will not be struggling financially moving into his retirement. In fact, he's probably extremely well off due to having a great well paid job for the last 30 years.

Stranded 1:32 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
It would seem it's true. And, if I've understood something I just read on kumb correctly, the posts about Oxford being off that I posted in the transfer thread earlier are from his son.

Takashi Miike 1:34 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
eerie, you're the only one mentioning money. carr's pissed off that the cunts who own the club didn't have the class or manners to speak to him personally and instead got some fucking lackey to do it who probably hasn't got a fucking clue who carr is

Eerie Descent 1:36 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
I am the only one mentioning money?

What's the 14 grand bit all about then, Miike?

Takashi Miike 1:38 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
it's in the headline of the story written by Charlie Sale. he clearly thinks its a fucking piss take even though he's not a west ham fan

Vexed 1:49 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Pipe down Eerie you fucking minge.

This sounds like bollocks to me.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:10 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
He's already been pensioned -off once hasn't he? How much did he get then as well as from his testimonial?

joe royal 2:15 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant

dealcanvey 12:53 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
If 14k is true that is disgusting after all his service.

I don't agree with all the money now in the game but if anyone deserves a decent pay out at the club it is Tony.

How much is enough?

Stranded 2:44 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Jack Sullivan
I would like to say Not everything the club does, I agree with and I have no role or say at the West Ham. I only tweet news and my view!

Jack Sullivan
‏@jsullivanwhu Jack Sullivan Retweeted Stevie Cutz
Personally, I'm not sure I agree with it! He should have a role here for life. I will speak to ds in the morning

clarky 2:52 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Bang out of line if true

Alex V 3:16 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
I hope this issue isn't distracting anyone from the £25m striker we deserve.

Hermit Road 3:31 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
To be fair, the testimonial must have been a decent wedge but that came straight from us. Perhaps he got a pay off from his previous role. I'm someone who thinks his role has been overstated a bit, I remember our youth setup being dogshit till Twitchy came and sorted it out. Whatever the opinions about that though, he has been there a very long time in a prominent role so 14k if true, is poor form.

Bullet 4:09 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
I was looking to get some tickets when I heard about this and think there must be more to this surely? I suffered redundancy from a family business that went on to much bigger things after 14 years with a minimum statutory amount, 43 years is a lifetime.

I won't be putting money into the owners pockets unless there is more to this.

Private Dancer 4:20 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant

Tomsdad 4:33 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Don't worry, Jack's on the case!

hollocks 5:15 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Every one that worked for the club had to reapply for their job when we moved. I hope it comes out that TC was treated better than this.

terry-h 5:34 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
Lady Brady was asked to comment when leaving her Knightsbridge flat yesterday morning and she said " Get out of my way,I'm off to the House of Lords to collect my £300 daily attendance money before rushing to Stratford to make more money for my family. Can't you see I'm busy?"

LeroysBoots 8:08 Wed Jul 27
Re: Tony Carr being made redundant
I guarantee there will be an announcement on the offical site this morning...the board hate adverse publicity. They will gloss over the details and point out Carr had a testimonial and will always be very welcome at the club.

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